fleetwood - FCR Electrical & Mechanical Ltd - Commercial Electrical Contractors
21 Jan 2023


One of our first electrical rewires after the Christmas break was a two bedroomed bungalow in Rossall Fleetwood

During the sale process our client asked us to carry out a full electrical installation condition report (EICR). An EICR is the best way to determine the condition of the electrical installation of a property, this is very useful if you are about to buy a property as it helps you to determine how much work is involved in bringing the property up to a standard and will help you form a valuation.

Upon completion of the inspection, the wiring was estimated to be between 40-50 years old, some of the lights had no earth conductor which is common among the bungalow properties in the Rossall area. The consumer unit was very dated and did not offer the required protection having no RCD protection. As the property was to undergo a full refurb, it is best to carry out the rewiring as the first step of the refurb as rewiring your home is one of the largest and dustiest and disruptive works to be carried out.

Once the purchase was complete Fylde Coast rewires were contracted to carry out a full electrical rewire of the property including the garage, kitchen, power sockets and lighting.


Our clients continued to live in the property whilst the electrical rewire was being carried out, when the property is lived in it usually adds around 1.5 days extra to the work scope due to cleaning up and putting the floor boards and carpets back each evening, this property has taken 4.5 days to completely rewire, there is a day left to complete the kitchen once the new kitchen has been delivered

The electrical installation of this property is now up to date with the current 18th edition wiring regulations which give our customers peace of mind that they can renovate and decorate their new property without encountering any electrical problems further down the line. See here for current EIT BS7671 wiring regulations https://electrical.theiet.org/bs-7671/

This electrical installation has been issued with the necessary electrical installation certificates and Part P building control sign off certificate. To see some of our rewiring customer reviews check out our home page https://www.fcrelectrical.co.uk/ or visit our Google page https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fylde+coast+rewires&sxsrf=AJOqlzUmD0TIM90-f8t7bpuhY4qgL_NmUg%3A1674291229278&source=hp&ei=HajLY_auDo-BhbIPjNq90A8&iflsig=AK50M_UAAAAAY8u2LXEMi0jRD-Akdd37ScQfrdMLOcw-&oq=&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIHCC4Q6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzINCC4QxwEQ0QMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJ1AAWABgyA5oAXAAeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCwAQo&sclient=gws-wiz

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    20 Jan 2023



    For this property Fylde Coast rewires have been contracted to carry out a full electrical rewire to this Fleetwood property.

    The property is benefiting from a full renovation by the new owner which will include a new kitchen, bathroom, a new downstairs W.C and utility room as well as a full loft conversion.

    Most of the work such as rewiring the lighting and socket circuits have been completed in five days, this also included the patching up of the chases. We will need to revisit the property to complete the loft conversion wiring and second fix the downstairs W.C and utility rooms once these have been built.


    The original wiring to this property has been estimated to be from the 1960’s and was in a very poor state. The circuits number of circuits were also limited which will cause issues if a fuse was to blow. To compensate this, we have installed the sockets on each floor on their own 16amp radial circuits with the kitchen benefiting from being installed on a 32 amp ring main due to the heavy loading of a kitchen. Each floor has it’s own lighting circuit with a separate smoke and heat detector circuit running through each floor from the loft down to the kitchen.

    Throughout the property our client has opted for an antique brass finish on the sockets, switches and downlights which will be keeping within the expected look for this period property.

    Originally, our client had another electrical contractor in to rewire the bathroom, they had left this room incomplete and not to an acceptable safe standard, some of the bathroom wall lights had not earth conductor, the light switch was incorrectly wired, and the bathroom fan was damaged and incorrectly wired. We rectified all these issues whilst carrying out the work

    Fylde Coast rewires have rewired several properties in this area of Fleetwood near the Mount, to view other projects we have rewired please check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/fyldecoastrewires the properties in this area are period properties and once they have been rewired and renovated, they make fabulous family homes. If you are thinking about rewiring your Fleetwood home, then please feel free to fill out the form below for a no obligation quotation or check out our rewiring page https://www.fcrelectrical.co.uk/house-rewire/

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