blackpool - FCR Electrical & Mechanical Ltd - Commercial Electrical Contractors
23 Jul 2022


FCR Electrical & Mechanical LTD have launched a new brand name, Fylde Coast renewables.

Fylde Coast renewables mission is to help as many homes as possible in Blackpool and the Fylde Coast install energy saving measures which will help homeowners save money, hopefully lots of money!

FCR Electrical & Mechanical LTD have installed solar panels on and off over the years, although the savings to installation costs did not really tally up unless you considered the feed in tariffs, the feed in tariff have now been cut by Government to around 0.06p per kWH exported which doesn’t make financial sense when you are getting charged upwards of £0.30p per kWH of usage.

What has really sparked FCR’s mission to save Fylde Coast owners money is, I received a bill through the post from British gas for £1700!! My energy supplier had just gone bust (PFP ENERGY) and I had been swopped over to British Gas, I had paid my previous supplier by Direct debit every month and was in credit with them, British Gas have stated they know nothing of my credits and insist I pay the £1700.00. I have history with British Gas and swore never to be a customer of theirs again. So, here I was, an unplanned bill of £1700, my electricity prices had doubled and nowhere could I change energy suppliers as the surviving suppliers were not taking on new accounts.

So, one the Monday morning back in the office, I made it a mission to save money, stick two fingers up to British gas and be as independent from the energy suppliers as I could. Being an electrical contracting company, Solar panels are easy to install, we have access to different suppliers, so we got to work. We installed Solar panels and a battery storage unit and hot water diverter system to my property. This has saved around 705 of my electricity costs and cut down on my gas consumption due to the hot water diverter system. BINGO!! FY British Gas!

As I mentioned this to family and friends, they started to show interest and asked for quotations to have similar systems installed. We put some of our technicians on a Bpec solar installation course, including myself and have gained our MCS registration with NAPIT.

So here we are, Fylde Coast renewables was born! Our mission statement is simple. To provide Fylde Coast homeowners with quality, cost effective energy saving installations which will beat the energy suppliers and cut your household bills.

If you are like me and are sick and tired of energy costs spiralling out of control, please get in touch and speak to our Solar panel experts who will help save you from the energy robber barons! Click here for more information on Becoming your own mini power station

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    23 Jul 2022


    The cost of energy is going up and up with no sign of prices reducing any time soon. How cool would it be to able to install your own electricity generating power station? Well! There is an easy answer to this. You can install a roof top solar panel system on your property which will generate free electricity1 How cool is that?

    Just imagine having free electricity to power your washer, dryer, charge your electric car or even heat your water for very little cost or free.

    Solar panel technology and especially battery technology has come on leaps and bounds in the last few years, your new solar panels will generate free electricity from the sunshine, the solar panels will then send this free power to your inverter which is then converted into A.C. electricity, this is the type of electricity your appliances run on. If you do not use all the electricity generated, then your inverter will send the spare electricity to your battery storage unit where it will be stored for when you are ready to use it. This is very handy if your family are out at work or school during the day.

    What about free hot water I hear you ask?

    Well don’t worry, our solar panel systems have you covered here. You can fit a Solar diverter such as the My Energi Eddi system,  or the Sol I boost , this little device will take any unused electricity and divert it to the immersion heater on your tank, giving you free hot water. These are great bits of kit.

    We have saved the best to last! We have all seen the cost of petrol and diesel spiral out of control, your solar panels can charge your electric car cutting out any need for petrol or diesel, the savings here can vary, however the average cost to fill a family car is around £100 according to a recent Sky news article, if you use your car to travel to work you may be filling the car up once a week. Your new eco friendly power station is able to cut out your weekly petrol or diesel costs and your solar panels will charge your car for free! Of course, you will need an electric car to do this,

     Having solar panels fitted to your Blackpool property could have huge energy saving potential, whilst sticking two fingers up to the energy suppliers which is something we all would like to do.

    To find out more about how our solar panel installations could help transform your energy usage and save you money please fill in our contact box below and one of our solar panel experts will give you a call.

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