This week FCR Electrical & Mechanical finally got Augusts first solar panel installation under way, the delays are due to sourcing Solar materials, the biggest shortage is the roof surface mounting brackets. To counter this issue, we are now including with all our Solar Panel installations the in- roof mounted system, this system does look neater and will also help to stop birds from nesting under the panels.

This system we are installing is a 4kw 12 panel solar system with a 5Kwh battery storage system. For this system we are going to install the system invertor and battery in the garage where it is best positioned for easy access and maintenance.

As the roof of this property faces East and West, we are mounting one string of six panels on the East side of the roof pitch and one string of six panels on the West side of the roof pitch, This will allow the panels to pick the sun up and provide electrical power through out the day. The way the panels are going to be mounted we have allowed the option to add additional panels in the future which will boost the electricity generating capacity.

If you are considering Solar panels then check out our blog on how solar panels can help with the spiralling cost of electricity and help with he cost of living here

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